
Sunday, November 18, 2012

The source of all problems (and solutions)

In my South American culture class, I recently read in my textbook a section about drug trafficking.  What I found interesting was that drug trafficking didn't really take off as such a booming business until the "drug culture" of the 60's and 70's took off.  Ever since then, the US government has struggled to stem the flow of cocaine, heroine, and marijuana across our border.  But trying to intercept drugs at the border isn't attacking the problem at its source.

If there were no demand for drugs, there would be no reason to smuggle them into the US.  So how do we reduce the demand?  The Church has long taught (and studies now support the claim) that children who come from loving families and that have a good relationship with their parents are less likely to use drugs and alcohol or engage in other delinquent behaviors.  If the government were to shift its focus on strengthening families, many of the ills that plague society would be diminished.
While we may not always be able to count on government or other institutions to uphold sound family values, we have the power to do so ourselves.  We have the power to defend our families.  No family is perfect, but the good news is Heavenly Father wants our families to succeed.  He has put into place His Gospel which strengthens families.  And when our family is strengthened, our children will more easily withstand the storms of temptation that constantly buffet the world.

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