
Sunday, November 18, 2012

The source of all problems (and solutions)

In my South American culture class, I recently read in my textbook a section about drug trafficking.  What I found interesting was that drug trafficking didn't really take off as such a booming business until the "drug culture" of the 60's and 70's took off.  Ever since then, the US government has struggled to stem the flow of cocaine, heroine, and marijuana across our border.  But trying to intercept drugs at the border isn't attacking the problem at its source.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Faith and/or Works?

Fewer topics have sparked more religious debate among Christians than the age-old "Faith verses Works" question.  As I understand it, one side believes that faith in Jesus Christ and accepting Him as our Savior is the only thing that is required for Salvation, while the other side believes that certain works, rights, or ordinances must be followed in order to be saved.  This seemingly simple question can get very involved, and there have been many wonderful discussions and talks given on the subject.  Instead of answering the question, "Are we saved by our works, or by faith alone?" I will focus specifically on what members of the Church believe.

The question:
"Do Mormons believe we are saved by works or by faith alone?"